MacVim r180

Updated to Vim 9.1.0727

This update mostly syncs to new upstream Vim version, along with small fixes.


New Vim features





Requires macOS 10.9 or above. (10.9 - 10.12 requires downloading a separate legacy build)

Script interfaces have compatibility with these versions:

MacVim r179

Updated to Vim 9.1.0

Happy New Year! See #1472 for a retrospective of 2023 and future roadmap.

Also, Vim 9.1 is now released! See announcement.


System monospace font (SF Mono)

MacVim’s guifont option now supports a new -monospace- value, which instructs it to use the system monospace font, which is SF Mono in recent macOS versions. As mentioned below (New Vim features), you can now use tab-completion to see the available values in cmdline. See :h macvim-guifont for more details on how to use it (including using different font weights). #1463

Note: I’m contemplating changing the MacVim default value for guifont to be -monospace- in the future so MacVim will always use the native monospace font instead of being hard-coded to Menlo. This makes it more consistent with Apple Terminal and Xcode. Feel free to leave a comment on #1277 if you have opinions on this.

Menlo (default) vs SF Mono

New Vim features


New settings:

Clean mode (#1453):




Requires macOS 10.9 or above. (10.9 - 10.12 requires downloading a separate legacy build)

Script interfaces have compatibility with these versions:

MacVim r178

Updated to Vim 9.0.1897

Special Notes

As some of you may have read, Bram Moolenaar, the creator and maintainer of Vim, has passed away recently. He has worked tirelessly on Vim for more than 30 years and this release is dedicated to him. If you would like, you could pay your respects at this discussion thread.

The Vim project has transitioned to new maintainers, and MacVim will continue to be supported as long as Vim is around.


More flexible Python integration

MacVim now allows you to use Python runtime (via pythonthreedll, used for Python plugins) of any version at or above 3.9. Previously you had to use the exact same version that was used to build MacVim (Python 3.11). The Python detection logic is also updated to always just find the latest version of Homebrew Python instead of a fixed one, and it will also now locate the default macOS / Xcode Python provided by the Xcode Command Line Tools if that is the only Python available. This should hopefully make configuring Python for MacVim a lot more seamless. See :h python3-stable-abi. Vim v9.0.1776 / #1428.

New Vim features

Security Fixes


Known issues



Requires macOS 10.9 or above. (10.9 - 10.12 requires downloading a separate legacy build)

Script interfaces have compatibility with these versions:

MacVim r177

Updated to Vim 9.0.1677



The official website for MacVim is now Previously it just forwarded to (#1385).

You can also now read the MacVim documentation at See #1382 for announcement.


Updater / What’s New page

There is now a “What’s New” page that will automatically be shown whenever MacVim detected that it has been updated to a new version (can be disabled in Settings). The page will also include all the release notes if you have updated across multiple versions. This feature is useful for users who turned on “Automatically install updates” or installs MacVim through other methods like Homebrew but would still like to see the release notes when a new version comes out. You can also access it through the Help menu. #1414

MacVim should now report its version in a much more consistent manner in the “About MacVim” page and when the updater reports there is a new version. It should look something like “r176 (Vim 9.0.1276)” where “r176” is the MacVim release number and the 9.0.1276 is the bundled Vim version. #1293 #1393

Sparkle (updater for MacVim) is now updated to 2.4.2. #1416

New Vim features





Requires macOS 10.9 or above. (10.9 - 10.12 requires downloading a separate legacy build)

Script interfaces have compatibility with these versions:

Latest release notes >