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MacVim Reference Manual

The MacVim Graphical User Interface macvim gui-macvim 1. MacVim differences macvim-differences 2. Starting MacVim macvim-start 3. Settings macvim-settings 4. MacVim appearance macvim-appearance 5. Special colors macvim-colors 6. Menus macvim-menus 7. Toolbar macvim-toolbar 8. Touch Bar macvim-touchbar 9. Looking up data macvim-lookup 10. Dialogs macvim-dialogs 11. System services macvim-services 12. mvim:// URL handler macvim-url-handler 13. Keyboard shortcuts macvim-shortcuts 14. Trackpad gestures macvim-gestures 15. International macvim-international 16. Known bugs/missing features macvim-todo 17. Hints macvim-hints Other relevant documentation: gui.txt For generic items of the GUI. {Vi does not have a GUI} This manual is also available at https://macvim.org/docs/gui_mac.txt.html. ============================================================================== 1. MacVim differences macvim-differences One of the goals of MacVim is to make Vim behave like a proper macOS application. For this reason MacVim behaves slightly different from other GUI ports of Vim. Most of the modifications are provided in the system gvimrc file; you can quickly open this file and look at it yourself by typing: :tabe $VIM/gvimrc Note that this file will be overwritten each time you update MacVim, so it is best to keep your own modifications inside "~/.gvimrc". macvim-windows There is some confusion regarding the term "window" in MacVim since it means one thing to Vim and another to MacVim. A "window" in Vim is what opens up when you type ":sp", whereas a "window" in MacVim is the GUI window which contains the text view, scrollbars, toolbar and tabline. To avoid confusion, the former is referred to as a Vim-window, whereas the latter is simply called a window. macvim-encoding It is not possible to modify 'termencoding' in MacVim; this option is forcibly set to "utf-8". The option 'encoding' also defaults to "utf-8" (as opposed to "latin1" in the other GUI ports). In generally you should keep 'encoding' set to the default ("utf-8") as that's what macOS uses. It also works on any character. Sometimes you may need to set 'fileencodings' to auto-detect encoding of files you edit, or force the detection with ++enc on the command line. However, if you are editing files that use multiple encodings (container formats like MIME or Unix mbox files) or a binary file, you want to make sure 'binary' is set (see edit-binary). macvim-shift-movement Text editors on macOS lets the user hold down shift+movement key to extend the selection. Also, pressing a printable key whilst selecting replaces the current selection with that character. MacVim can emulate this kind of behaviour (by providing key bindings and by setting 'keymodel' and 'selectmode' to non-default values) although it is not enabled by default. To make MacVim behave more like TextEdit and less like Vim, add the following lines to your "~/.vimrc" (not .gvimrc) file: if has("gui_macvim") let macvim_hig_shift_movement = 1 endif macvim-drag-n-drop Dragging files and dropping them on a window opens those files in tabs in that window, unless Vim is in command-line mode. In command-line mode the names of the files are added to the command line. Holding down modifier keys whilst dragging is not supported. If a file is dropped on the Dock icon, it is always opened in a new tab regardless of the mode Vim is currently in. The same holds if you double-click on a file in the Finder. The "Open files from applications" setting in the General settings pane gives more options on how dropped files should open, in case tabs are not desired. macvim-default-menus macvim-help-menu The default menus (menu.vim) in MacVim have been changed to conform better with the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). The Help menu's search can be used to search Vim's documentation. You can use it to quickly find the documentation you want in addition to using :help. macvim-window-title The default window title does not include the argument list because it looks really bad once you start using tabs. For example, dropping two files, then dropping two more, and switching back to the first tab would cause weird strings like "((3) of 2)" to appear in the window title. macvim-tablabel By default, tab labels only show the tail of the file name to make the tabs more readable when editing files in deeply nested folders. Add the line "set guitablabel=" to your .gvimrc file to revert back to the default Vim tab label. Setting 'guitablabel' to anything in your .vimrc will also prevent this default from taking effect. E9000-M Below is a list of non-standard Vim commands and options that MacVim supports. They are only usable when GUI is active. macvim-options These are the non-standard options that MacVim supports: 'antialias' 'blurradius' 'fullscreen' 'fuoptions' 'macligatures' 'macmeta' 'macthinstrokes' 'toolbariconsize' 'transparency' These are GUI-related Vim options that have MacVim-specific behaviors: 'guifont' macvim-commands These are the non-standard commands that MacVim supports: :macaction :macmenu macvim-builtin-functions These are the non-standard builtin functions that MacVim supports: showdefinition() macvim-autocommands These are the non-standard events that MacVim supports: OSAppearanceChanged macvim-internal-variables These are the non-standard internal variables that MacVim supports: v:os_appearance macvim-find Whenever you search for something in Vim (e.g. using "/"), or hit <D-e> when you have text selected, the search query is copied to the macOS "Find Pasteboard". The idea is that if you search for something and switch to another application, then you can hit <D-g> (or <D-G>) to repeat the search in the new app. The same feature works if you search in some app, switch to MacVim and hit <D-g>. If you would like to turn off sharing Vim's search query to the macOS Find Pasteboard, you can set MMShareFindPboard to "NO". Even when that's set, <D-g> will still use the OS Find Pasteboard for searching (use n instead if that's not what you want), and <D-e> ("Edit -> Use Selection for Find") will still share the search pattern to Find Pasteboard. Note that the command n is not the same as <D-g>. The former will repeat the last search made in Vim, whereas the latter searches for the string on the macOS Find Pasteboard using the action findNext: (see :macaction). The <D-g> key equivalent is a great way to bring a search from one window to another in MacVim. Simply search for something in one window (using "/") then switch to another (e.g. with <D-`>) and hit <D-g> and the search will be repeated in the new window. macvim-backspace macvim-delete The 'backspace' option is set in the system vimrc to make the delete key behave in a more familiar way to new users. If you dislike this non-default behaviour, then add the line "set backspace&" to your "~/.vimrc" file. ============================================================================== 2. Starting MacVim macvim-start Starting MacVim from the UI To start MacVim in macOS, simply double-click its icon in the Finder or click on the Dock icon. Usually it should be installed as /Applications/MacVim.app. MacVim automatically registers itself as an editor of several standard file formats. This enables you to double-click a file to open it with MacVim (if it is not associated with another program), or to right-click a file to bring up the "Open with" menu. You can also drag and drop files onto the Dock icon to open them in tabs in a new window, or you can drop them in an already open window to open the files in tabs in that specific window (it is possible to have files open in e.g. splits by changing the "Open files from applications" option in the General settings pane). Finally, you can use macOS System Services to open files in MacVim, see macvim-services. Alternatively, use the "open" command (this method can not be used to pass parameters to Vim) open -a MacVim file ... The advantage of using the latter method is that the settings relating to file opening in the settings panel are respected, and files open instantly if Quickstart is enabled. Starting MacVim from a terminal mvim macvim-cmdline MacVim comes bundled with a shell script called "mvim" that can be used to launch MacVim from the terminal. It's located at: /Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin/mvim macvim-PATH To be able to easily use it, put this folder in your path: /Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin For example, if you use zsh, you can put the following in ~/.zprofile: export PATH="/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin:$PATH" After that, type "mvim" to start MacVim from Terminal. $ mvim You can also specify files to open with. $ mvim file ... The bin folder also contains mvimdiff and mview that work as alias of gvimdiff and gview, as well as xxd for hex-editing. You can still use the normal "vim", "vimdiff", and "view" commands if you want to use non-GUI Vim, and "gvim" to launch MacVim ("gvim" works the same way as "mvim"). If you would like to have man pages with the command-line tools, you can add the following to ~/.zprofile: export MANPATH="/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/man:$MANPATH" Going from terminal to GUI mode Once in terminal Vim it is possible to start the MacVim GUI by using the following command (see :gui): :gui [++opt] [+cmd] [-f|-b] [files...] Note: Forking ("-b") currently does not work. Quickstart Quickstart ensures that new windows open quickly e.g. when <D-n> is pressed. It works by keeping a Vim process in the background that will immediately become active when you open a window. This feature can be enabled from the Advanced settings pane (it is disabled by default). Note that this setting does not affect the speed with which windows open when using the mvim command. Note that any changes to runtime files that are kept in a non-standard location (i.e. not in ~/.vim) will not be picked up for the first window that opens after any changes. Also, there are some issues related to reading and writing of the viminfo file which can lead to the command line history appearing to be lost (as well as any other information stored in the viminfo file). For example, if you open a window, edit some files then close the window, then the next window that opens will not have the same command line history as the window you just closed (however the next window you open will). For these reasons Quickstart is disabled by default. odbeditor external-editor MacVim can act as an "external editor" for macOS applications that support the ODB Editor Protocol (or the "external editor" protocol). Each application has different ways of configuring this option, check the application's documentation. Once configured properly MacVim can be used to open files in such an application. A technical note: MacVim handles file open, modified and closed events. In the open event the FTok and Burl parameters are parsed (the latter is ignored at the moment though). In the modified and closed events the Tokn parameter is sent back to the server application. The ODB editor protocol is documented at: https://www.barebones.com/support/develop/odbsuite.html ============================================================================== 3. Settings macvim-prefs macvim-preferences macvim-settings Some settings are global to the MacVim application and would not make sense as Vim options (see macvim-options). These settings are stored in the user defaults database and can be accessed via the "MacVim.Settings…" ("MacVim.Preferences…" in macOS 12 Monterey and older) menu item. If you want to open MacVim with its default settings, you can open it by passing `-IgnoreUserDefaults 1` to the launch arguments (see the man page on the "open" for how to do so). macvim-user-defaults Not all entries in the user defaults database are exposed via the settings panel, usually because they should not be changed by the user under normal circumstances. These options can still be changed with the "defaults" command by opening Terminal and typing defaults write org.vim.MacVim KEY VALUE Check the man page on "defaults" for more information on this command as well as general information regarding macOS user defaults. Here is a list of relevant dictionary entries: KEY VALUE MMAllowForceClickLookUp use Force click for data lookup instead of <ForceClick> [bool] MMCellWidthMultiplier width of a normal glyph in em units [float] MMCmdLineAlignBottom Pin command-line to bottom of MacVim [bool] MMDialogsTrackPwd open/save dialogs track the Vim pwd [bool] MMDisableLaunchAnimation disable launch animation when opening a new MacVim window [bool] MMFontPreserveLineSpacing use the line-spacing as specified by font [bool] MMLoginShell use login shell for launching Vim [bool] MMLoginShellArgument login shell parameter [string] MMLoginShellCommand which shell to use to launch Vim [string] MMFullScreenFadeTime fade delay for non-native fullscreen [float] MMNativeFullScreen use native full screen mode [bool] MMNonNativeFullScreenShowMenu show menus when in non-native full screen [bool] MMNonNativeFullScreenSafeAreaBehavior behavior for non-native full sreen regarding the safe area (aka the "notch") [int] MMNoFontSubstitution disable automatic font substitution [bool] (Deprecated: Non-CoreText renderer only) MMNoTitleBarWindow hide title bar [bool] MMTitlebarAppearsTransparent enable a transparent titlebar [bool] MMAppearanceModeSelection dark mode selection (macvim-dark-mode)[bool] MMRendererClipToRow clip tall characters to the row they are on [bool] MMScrollOneDirectionOnly scroll along one axis only when using trackpad [bool] MMSmoothResize allow smooth resizing of MacVim window [bool] MMShareFindPboard share search text to Find Pasteboard [bool] MMShowAddTabButton enable "add tab" button on tabline [bool] MMTabMaxWidth maximum width of a tab [int] MMTabMinWidth minimum width of a tab [int] MMTabOptimumWidth default width of a tab [int] MMTextInsetBottom text area offset in pixels [int] MMTextInsetLeft text area offset in pixels [int] MMTextInsetRight text area offset in pixels [int] MMTextInsetTop text area offset in pixels [int] MMTexturedWindow use brushed metal window (Tiger only) [bool] MMTranslateCtrlClick interpret ctrl-click as right-click [bool] MMUseMouseTime use mousetime to detect multiple clicks [bool] MMVerticalSplit files open in vertical splits [bool] MMZoomBoth zoom button maximizes both directions [bool] MMUpdaterPrereleaseChannel opt-in to pre-release software update [bool] MMShowWhatsNewOnStartup show "What's New" after updating to new version [bool] As an example, if you have more than one mouse button and would wish to free up Ctrl-click so you can bind it to something else, then the appropriate command is: defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMTranslateCtrlClick 0 If you wish to restore all user defaults to their starting values, open Terminal and type: defaults delete org.vim.MacVim macvim-login-shell Applications opened from the Finder do not automatically source the user's environment variables (which are typically set in .profile or .bashrc). This presents a problem when using :! to execute commands in the shell since e.g. $PATH might not be set properly. To work around this problem MacVim starts new Vim processes via a login shell so that all environment variables are set. By default MacVim uses the $SHELL environment variable to determine which shell to use (if $SHELL is not set "/bin/bash" is used). It is possible to override this choice by setting the user default MMLoginShellCommand to the shell that should be used (e.g. "/bin/tcsh"). MacVim tries to make the shell a login shell by prepending argv[0] with a dash. If you use an exotic shell and need to pass it a parameter to make it a login shell then you can set the user default MMLoginShellArgument (e.g. to "-l"). Finally, if the "bash" shell is used, then "-l" is automatically added as an argument. To override this behaviour set MMLoginShellArgument to "--". To turn off using a login shell, you can set MMLoginShell to 0. ============================================================================== 4. MacVim appearance macvim-appearance For more configuration options, see the Settings… → Appearance pane. macvim-appearance-mode macvim-dark-mode MacVim will by default use the system apperance mode (light or dark). However, you can manually force MacVim to use either light or dark mode in the settings panel. A fourth option allows MacVim to respect the 'background' option set by Vim, which is more flexible in situations like loading a dark color scheme while system settings are configured to use light mode. It's also the recommended setting when title bar is configured to be "Transparent" (see MMTitlebarAppearsTransparent). If you would like to query the system apperance mode in Vim (e.g. to change the color scheme at launch), see v:os_appearance. You can also use the autocommand OSAppearanceChanged to be notified when the OS changes its appearance. macvim-full-screen MacVim can be used in full screen mode, see 'fullscreen'. There are two types of full screen modes. By default, MacVim uses macOS' native full screen functionality, which creates a separate space in Mission Control. MacVim also provides a non-native full screen mode, which can be set by disabling native full screen in the settings panel (see MMNativeFullScreen). Use 'fuoptions' to configure the background color and whether to maximize the rows/columns. If you have a MacBook with a camera housing ("notch") at the top of the screen, you can set MMNonNativeFullScreenShowMenu to NO and MMNonNativeFullScreenSafeAreaBehavior to 1 to utilitize the whole screen (this will cause some of the content to be obscured by the notch). ============================================================================== 5. Special colors macvim-colors The colors in MacVim are defined in two dictionaries inside the "Resources" folder of the application bundle (MacVim.app/Contents/Resources). It is possible to add more colors by modifying these files. Color names are case insensitive when accessed from Vim, but in the dictionary they must be lowercase. SystemColors.plist There are only a few system colors that can be accessed from Vim. These colors are defined in the dictionary "SystemColors.plist". This dictionary stores (key, value) pairs where the key is the name of the color and the value is an NSColor selector name. The most useful system colors are: MacSelectedTextBackgroundColor MacSecondarySelectedColor The former is the "Highlight Color" which can be changed in the "Appearance" section of the System Settings. The latter is the selection color used by a Cocoa application when it is not in focus. Colors.plist Apart from the system colors, it is also possible to use the standard X11 color names (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) which usually come in a file called "rgb.txt". MacVim does not have such a file, instead it keeps these colors in a dictionary called "Colors.plist". The key in this dictionary is the name of the color and the value is an RGB value on the form #rrggbb stored as an integer. macvim-colorscheme MacVim ships with a custom color scheme that is used instead of the default Vim color scheme. The color scheme can be changed with :colorscheme macvim If you prefer a dark background color, then type :set bg=dark after having loaded the "macvim" color scheme. Use the :colorscheme command if you want to use another color scheme. Note that if you want to set syntax highlight colors manually, then you must either create your own color scheme or add the line let macvim_skip_colorscheme=1 to your ~/.vimrc (~/.gvimrc will not work). Otherwise the "macvim" color scheme will be loaded when the system gvimrc file is sourced and mess up your changes. The color scheme uses the system "Highlight Color", which can be changed in the "Appearance" pane of the System Settings. It also changes the highlight color when a window becomes inactive. ============================================================================== 6. Menus macvim-menus Default Menus See macvim-default-menus. Icons Unlike regular Vim, MacVim menus can be customized with an icon. Simply use the "icon=" parameter similar to toolbar. See macvim-toolbar-icon for usage. Customization Menus in macOS behave slightly different from other platforms. For that reason two new commands have been added to Vim. To understand what these commands do you must first understand how menus work on macOS. Each entry in a menu is called a "menu item". With each menu item is associated: a title, a key equivalent and an action message. When a menu is displayed the title is shown on the left and the key equivalent (if any) is shown on the right. Key equivalents enable you to access a menu item using the keyboard instead of having to use the mouse. When a menu item is clicked it will send its associated action message. Actions can be used to instruct MacVim to paste some text (paste:), open a new window (newWindow:), etc. Certain actions are standard throughout macOS which is why MacVim must be able to set these for each menu item. (E.g. the menu item "Edit.Paste" must be bound to the action "paste:" otherwise pasting won't work in dialogs since that is the action that instructs them to paste something.) Menus are configured using the :macmenu command and the :macaction command can be used to send action messages. E9001-M :maca :macaction :maca[ction] {action:} Send the message "action:" to the first responder in MacVim. The list of allowed actions can be seen by typing :maca <C-d> An attempt to send an action not listed here will result in an error. See macvim-actions below. :macm :macmenu :macm[enu] {menu} {key}={arg} ... Set Mac specific properties for {menu}. The properties that can be set are: action the action this menu sends alt "yes" if alternate of previous menu key the key equivalent of this menu This command must be used in a startup file, for example in "~/.gvimrc". It has no effect otherwise. For convenience, a menu with "action=name:" which is bound to <Nop> will act as if bound to ":maca name:<CR>". Thus, if "Menu.Item" is given by :an Menu.Item <Nop> :macm Menu.Item action=name: then ":emenu Menu.Item" is equivalent to ":maca name:". The key equivalent is specified with the <D-..> syntax. This is case-sensitive, so <D-a> means Cmd-a whereas <D-A> means Cmd-Shift-a. Note that key equivalents must contain the Cmd modifier flag (<D-..>), and they take precedence over normal mappings. Use the syntax "key=<nop>" to clear the key equivalent of a menu. This can be used to free up a key combination that is set in the system gvimrc so that it may be mapped to using ":map". Recognised values of "alt" are "0", "no", "1", and "yes". The default is "no". An alternate menu must have the same key equivalent as the previous menu, except the modifier flags must differ. The alternate menu is by default hidden and only shows up when the modifier is held down. Here are some examples on how to use these commands: 1. Create a menu item with title "New Window" under the "File" menu, with key equivalent Cmd-n, which opens a new window when selected: :an 10.290 File.New\ Window <Nop> :macm File.New\ Window action=newWindow: key=<D-n> 2. Change the key equivalent to cycle through tabs to Cmd-Left/Right: :macm Window.Previous\ Tab key=<D-Left> :macm Window.Next\ Tab key=<D-Right> 3. Create a mapping in normal mode which closes the current tab/window: :map <C-w> :maca performClose:<CR> 4. Free up Cmd-t and remap it to open a file browser in a split view: macm File.New\ Tab key=<nop> nmap <D-t> :sp .<CR> Note: These two lines must be added to .gvimrc else the first line will fail. The second line is case sensitive, so <D-T> (Cmd-Shift-t) is not the same as <D-t> (Cmd-t)! The default menus are set up in "$VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim". Take a look at that file for more examples on how to set up menus. Note: When no window is open a minimal default menu is used. The default menu is set up in MainMenu.nib which resides in "Resources/English.lproj/" folder inside the app bundle. Actions.plist macvim-actions Some actions (e.g. changing the font size) are not directly Vim related, and are handled by MacVim on the application level for the GUI. MacVim allows these actions to be invoked by either directly calling :macaction or binding to a menu via :macmenu. The full list of actions can be found in the file "Actions.plist" (under MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/), but below are the common ones which might be useful. Hint: The :macaction command supports command-line completion so you can enter ":maca<Space><C-d>" to see a list of all available actions. Action Description fileOpen: Show "File Open" dialog findNext: Search forward using the "Find Pasteboard" findPrevious: Search backward using the "Find Pasteboard" useSelectionForFind: Search the selected text and share to "Find Pasteboard" fontSizeDown: Decrease font size fontSizeUp: Increase font size hide: Hide MacVim miniaturizeAll: Minimize all windows to the dock newWindow: Open a new (empty) window orderFrontCharacterPalette: Show the the "Special Characters" dialog orderFrontFontPanel: Show the Font panel orderFrontPreferencePanel: Show the Settings panel performMiniaturize: Minimize window to the dock performZoom: Zoom window (same as clicking the green blob) terminate: Quit MacVim zoomAll: Zoom all windows zoomLeft: Pin the window to the left of the screen zoomRight: Pin the window to the right of the screen _cycleWindows: Select next window (similar to <D-`>) _cycleWindowsBackwards: Select previous window (similar to <D-S-`>) _removeWindowFromStageManagerSet Remove window from a Stage Manager Set. Same as the "Remove Window from Set" menu item. joinAllStageManagerSets Window will float among all Stage Manager sets unjoinAllStageManagerSets Window will only show up in its own set ============================================================================== 7. Toolbar macvim-toolbar The toolbar in MacVim works just like in the other GUIs (see gui-toolbar), with the addition of two separator items (see menu-separator). You can use them as follows: :an ToolBar.-space1- <Nop> :an ToolBar.-flexspace2- <Nop> The first example creates an empty space on the toolbar, the second creates an empty space which will shink or expand so that the items to the right of it are right-aligned. A space (flexspace) will be created for any toolbar item whose name begins with "-space" ("-flexspace") and ends with "-" macvim-toolbar-icon In regular Vim, the "icon=" argument (see toolbar-icon) can be used to specify an image file by file path. In MacVim, the argument could also be used for specifying an SF symbol or a macOS system image. Simply use the SF symbol name or the system image name and MacVim will use load them instead of an image file. Below are examples for using an SF symbol "gearshape.2" and a macOS system image named "NSAdvanced": :an icon=gearshape.2 ToolBar.Setting1 <Nop> :an icon=NSAdvanced ToolBar.Setting2 <Nop> Some SF symbols in macOS can be customized with different styles. You can do so by using colon-delimited options (most of them require macOS 13 Ventura). The available options are monochrome, hierarchical, palette, multicolor, and variable-0.5 (where 0.5 can be substituted with any number between 0 and 1). Download Apple's SF Symbols app to find out what the symbol names are and what styling options each one supports. Some examples below: :an icon=bolt.circle:hierarchical ToolBar.Bolt :echo '⚡️'<CR> :an icon=cloud.sun.rain.fill:multicolor ToolBar.Cloud :echo '🌦️'<CR> :an icon=homekit:variable-0.4:palette ToolBar.Home :echo '🏠'<CR> If your icon image is a template image (meaning that it is a grayscale image designed to be mapped to whatever foreground color is), you can add :template to the end of an image name, which will mark it as a template image to macOS: :an icon=/a/b/black-and-white.png:template ToolBar.Foo <Nop> Supported image formats depend on the version of macOS. Safe formats include png, icns, ico. Later macOS versions also support heic and webp. Toolbar icons should be of dimension 32x32 or 24x24 pixels. The larger size is used when 'tbis' is "medium" or "large", otherwise the smaller size is used (which is the default). If the icon file only contains one dimension then macOS will scale the icon to the appropriate dimension if necessary. To avoid this, use a file format which supports multiple resolutions (such as icns) and provide both 32x32 and 24x24 versions of the icon. ============================================================================== 8. Touch Bar macvim-touchbar Touch Bar in MacVim is configurable, and works similar to the toolbar (see macvim-toolbar). The difference is that you use the special menu "TouchBar" instead of "ToolBar": :an TouchBar.Hello :echo "Hello"<CR> This feature only works on Mac devices that come with Touch Bars. On the ones that don't, nothing will show up. You can also create submenus. Due to macOS restrictions, submenus can only be one level deep: :an TouchBar.Navigate.Next :next<CR> :an TouchBar.Navigate.Prev :prev<CR> macvim-touchbar-separator The separators work similar to how toolbars work: :an TouchBar.-Sep- <Nop> :an TouchBar.-space1- <Nop> :an TouchBar.-flexspace2- <Nop> The first example is a Vim separator (see menu-separator) and injects a space between two buttons. The second creates a smaller space than a normal separator and are specified by names that begin with "-space" and ends with "-". The third creates a flexible empty space which will shrink or expand so that items after it will be right-aligned, and is specified by names that begin with "-flexspace" and ends with "-". macvim-touchbar-icon You can specify icons for Touch Bar buttons the same way as toolbar icons, including using SF Symbols (see macvim-toolbar-icon). When a button has an icon, it won't show the menu name. Touch Bar icons should ideally be 36x36 pixels, and no larger than 44x44 pixels. :an icon=/home/foo/bar.png TouchBar.DoThing :echo 'Do'<CR> :an icon=gearshape.2 TouchBar.Setting <Nop> macOS also comes with a few default template images designed for use with Touch Bar. Some examples: :an icon=NSTouchBarListViewTemplate TouchBar.ShowList :ls<CR> :an icon=NSTouchBarRefreshTemplate TouchBar.Refresh :e!<CR> macvim-touchbar-title By default, the Touch Bar buttons will use the menu names as the title. If an icon is specified, the title will not be shown. You can override this by using tmenu to set a tooltip. The tooltip will be displayed as the title of the button. If an icon is specified, the tooltip override will be shown alongside the icon. Example: :an icon=NSTouchBarAddTemplate TouchBar.AddItem <Nop> :tmenu TouchBar.AddItem Add an Item macvim-touchbar-characterpicker macvim-touchbar-emoji You can also insert emojis by adding a character picker button (specified by using a name that begin wtih "-characterpicker" and ends with "-"): :inoremenu TouchBar.-characterpicker- <Nop> macvim-touchbar-defaults Here is a list of default Touch Bar buttons that MacVim sets up: macvim-touchbar-fullscreen g:macvim_default_touchbar_fullscreen EnterFullScreen Touch Bar buttons that allow you to toggle ExitFullScreen 'fullscreen' mode. To disable, add the following to your vimrc file: let g:macvim_default_touchbar_fullscreen=0 g:macvim_default_touchbar_characterpicker -characterpicker- Character picker that lets you add special characters and emojis in insert and terminal modes. To disable, add the following to your vimrc file: let g:macvim_default_touchbar_characterpicker=0 ============================================================================== 9. Looking up data macvim-lookup In macOS, you can look up the definition of the text under your cursor by pressing Ctrl-Cmd-D, or using the trackpad (either three-finger tap or Force click, depending on your system settings). This also works in MacVim. Interesting data such as URL will behave differently (e.g. show a preview of the web page linked to by the URL) as well. You can also select a piece of text to look up the entirety of the phrase (e.g. if you select "ice cream" using visual mode, then the definition will use that instead of just "ice" or "cream"). There is also a right-click menu item "Look Up" available when in visual mode to do the same thing. If you would like to programmatically access this feature, you can call showdefinition() to show the definition of whatever text you would like to. MacVim also provides two convenient functions that you can call or map to a key (they use showdefinition() internally): macvim#ShowDefinitionUnderCursor() Shows the definition of the word under the current cursor. macvim#ShowDefinitionSelected() Shows the definition of the last selected text in visual mode. ============================================================================== 10. Dialogs macvim-dialogs Dialogs can be controlled with the keyboard in two ways. By default each button in a dialog is bound to a key. The button that is highlighted by blue is bound to Enter, any button with the title "Cancel" is bound to Escape, and any button with the title "Don't Save" is bound to <D-d>. Other buttons are usually bound to the first letter in the title of the button. There is no visual feedback to indicate which letter a button is bound to, so sometimes some experimentation might be required in order to figure out which key to press. The second way of controlling dialogs with the keyboard is to enable "Full keyboard access" in the "Keyboard" pane of the System Settings (you can also toggle this on or off by pressing Ctrl-F7). Once keyboard access is enabled it is possible to move between buttons with Tab and pressing Space to select the current button. The current button is indicated with a blue outline. ============================================================================== 11. System services macvim-services MacVim provides two system services. These can be accessed from the MacVim submenu in the Services menu or by right-clicking a selection. For services to work, MacVim.app should be located in the /Applications folder. (You might have to logout and then login again before macOS detects the MacVim services.) These are the currently supported services: * `New MacVim Buffer With Selection`: Create a new buffer and paste the currently selected text. * `New MacVim Buffer Here`: Create a new buffer and set the current directory to the file or folder that is selected in the Finder. The services respect the "Open files from applications" setting in the general settings. For the other direction, within MacVim, you can access system services associated with selected texts (e.g. opening a URL, converting between Traditional/Simplified Chinese, do a web search) by selecting them in visual mode and opening the "Services" submenu either by right-clicking on the text, or the top-level "MacVim" menu. ============================================================================== 12. mvim:// URL handler mvim:// macvim-url-handler MacVim supports a custom URL handler for "mvim://" URLs. The handler is supposed to be compatible to TextMate's URL scheme as documented at: https://macromates.com/blog/2007/the-textmate-url-scheme/ Currently, this means that the format is mvim://open?<arguments> where "arguments" can be: * url — the actual file to open (i.e. a file://... URL), if you leave out this argument, the frontmost document is implied * line — line number to go to (one based) * column — column number to go to (one based) For example, the link mvim://open?url=file:///etc/profile&line=20 will open the file /etc/profile on line 20 when clicked in a web browser. Note: A caveat in MacVim's implementation is that it expects special characters to be encoded twice. For example, a space should be encoded into "%2520" instead of "%20". A file "/tmp/file name?.txt" would need the following link: mvim://open?url=file:///tmp/file%2520name%253F.txt MacVim will try to be smart and detect cases where a user has erroneously only encoded once, but for best results use double-encoding as described above. Note that url has to be a file:// url pointing to an existing local file. ============================================================================== 13. Keyboard shortcuts macvim-shortcuts Most keyboard shortcuts in MacVim are bound to menu items and can be discovered by looking through the menus (see macvim-menus on how to create your own menu shortcuts, see cmd-key on how to map your own commands to Cmd-key shortcuts). The remaining shortcuts are listed here: Cmd-. <D-.> Cmd-. Interrupt Vim. Unlike Ctrl-C which is sent as normal keyboard input (and hence has to be received and then interpreted) this sends a SIGINT signal to the Vim process. Use this shortcut if the Vim process appears to have locked up and is not responding to key presses. This Cmd-key combination cannot be unmapped. Cmd-` <D-`> Cmd-` Cycle to the next window. On an American keyboard the key "`" is located under the Esc-key. On European keyboards this key is often adjacent to the left Shift-key and it may be not even be marked with "`". This Cmd-key combination can only be unmapped via the "Keyboard" System Settings. Cmd-Left <D-Left> Cmd-Left Move cursor to the beginning of the line (see cmd-movement). Cmd-Right <D-Right> Cmd-Right Move cursor to the end of the line (see cmd-movement). Cmd-Up <D-Up> Cmd-Up Move cursor to the first line (see cmd-movement). Cmd-Down <D-Down> Cmd-Down Move cursor to the last line (see cmd-movement). Alt-Left <M-Left> Alt-Left Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word (see alt-movement). Alt-Right <M-Right> Alt-Right Move cursor to the beginning of the next word (see alt-movement). Alt-Up <M-Up> Alt-Up Move cursor one paragraph forward (see alt-movement). Alt-Down <M-Down> Alt-Down Move cursor to the previous paragraph (see alt-movement). cmd-movement alt-movement The above mappings involving Cmd/Alt + arrow key are enabled by default in the system gvimrc file "$VIM/gvimrc". You can quickly disable all of these by adding the following lines to your "~/.vimrc" (not .gvimrc) file: if has("gui_macvim") let macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement = 1 endif Note: These are the only key mappings that MacVim makes (not counting menu key equivalents which are not set up with :map). See macvim-shift-movement if you want Shift to select text when used in conjunction with the above Cmd/Alt movement shortcuts. cmd-key cmd-shortcuts Creating key mappings that involve the Cmd key (<D-..> in Vim notation) can sometimes be slightly involved. Here are all the things you need to consider: - Make sure the shortcut is not used by a menu item by looking through the menus. If it is then you need to unbind it before you can map to it. This is described under the help for the :macmenu command. - Bindings to <D-..> are case sensitive: <D-d> is not the same as <D-D>. If you want to map something to Cmd+Shift+d, then you need to use <D-D>, not <D-S-d> or <D-S-D>. - Some command key shortcuts are reserved by macOS and cannot be mapped to (e.g. <D-Tab>). However, some of these shortcuts can be freed up in the System Settings under Keyboard (e.g. Cmd+Space). - A few command key mappings are set up by MacVim, see cmd-movement. ============================================================================== 14. Trackpad gestures macvim-gestures MacVim supports trackpad swipe gestures. By default this can be used to navigate back/forward in the help (try it!). Each gesture generates one of the following Vim pseudo keys: <SwipeLeft> <SwipeRight> Generated when swiping three fingers across the trackpad in a horizontal direction. The Apple Magic Mouse generates these events when swiping two fingers in a horizontal direction. <SwipeUp> <SwipeDown> Generated when swiping three fingers across the trackpad in a vertical direction. (Not supported by the Apple Magic Mouse) <ForceClick> Generated when doing a Force click by pressing hard on a trackpad. (Only supported on trackpads that support Force Touch) If you have configured to use Force click for "Look up & data detectors" in the system settings, by default MacVim will do a dictionary lookup instead of triggering this mapping. You can turn this off in MacVim's Settings pane, or directly set MMAllowForceClickLookUp. You can map these keys like with any other key using the :map family of commands. For example, the following commands map left/right swipe to change to the previous/next tab in normal mode: nmap <SwipeLeft> gT nmap <SwipeRight> gt As another example, here is how to switch buffers by swiping left/right: nmap <SwipeLeft> :bN<CR> nmap <SwipeRight> :bn<CR> See the section on key-mapping for more help on how to map keys. ============================================================================== 15. International macvim-international macvim-multilang Typing text When editing non-English text it may be convenient to keep separate keyboard layouts for normal and insert mode. This is supported via the 'imd' option on macOS 10.5 or later (on 10.4 the 'imd' option support is not as useful as it only switches between Roman and non-Roman input sources and it has been known not to work very reliably). For example: When 'noimd' is enabled (i.e. IM is enabled) the input source is saved when toggling between normal and insert mode, so you can use a US layout in normal mode then switch to insert mode and choose a Swedish layout. When you go back to normal mode the US layout will be selected and when you enter insert mode the Swedish layout is selected. This also works when searching for text etc. see 'imc', 'imi', 'ims'. Note that the layout used in normal mode is the layout used when 'noimd' is set (i.e when IM is enabled). If you find that MacVim switches to the wrong layout when going back to normal mode, then select the layout you want to use in normal mode and type ":set imd" followed by ":set noimd". Translations MacVim uses localized Vim messages (see multilang-messages) and menus (see multilang-menus). However, some of the user interface in MacVim (e.g. Settings pane) are not yet localized. There are also some MacVim-specific messages/menus in Vim that are not currently localized. Please file an issue if you would like to see certain messages localized. ============================================================================== 16. Known bugs/missing features macvim-todo This list is by no means exhaustive, it only enumerates some of the more prominent bugs/missing features. - modifyOtherKeys support. This feature allows for more granular key mapping (e.g. differentiating <C-I> and <Tab>) and isn't supported by the MacVim GUI yet. - Some parts of MacVim GUI and MacVim-specific messages in Vim are not localized yet. - Sometimes multibyte characters look "too wide", i.e. they overlap the following character. It might help to change 'ambiwidth', or override the automatic font substitution by setting 'guifontwide' manually. - Built-in printing. :hardcopy / <D-p> creates a PDF file which is then opened in Preview where it may be printed. See pexpr-option. General bugs and issues are tracked on Github. If you find new bugs or have feature requests then please file an issue there: https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/issues For general discussions, asking questions, you could use the Github discussions page: https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/discussions There is also a vim_mac mailing list. You can also post your findings of bugs and issues there as well: vim_mac_group https://groups.google.com/group/vim_mac ============================================================================== 17. Hints macvim-hints In this section some general (not necessarily MacVim specific) hints are given. Scenario: You would like to remap Caps Lock to Esc. Solution: Go to System Settings → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts… → Modifier Keys, and map Caps Lock Key to Escape. Scenario: You try opening a bunch of files in tabs but not all files get opened in their own tab. Solution: To get around this, set 'tabpagemax' to something big in your .gvimrc file (e.g. ":set tabpagemax=100"). Scenario: You want to open a file in a tab in an already opened window, but typing "mvim filename" in Terminal opens it up in a separate window. Solution: Use the --remote-tab switch. If you have several windows open you might have to specify which window you want the file to open in by using the --servername switch. The title of a window usually ends in something like "VIM" or "VIM3" --- this is the server name of that window. So to open a file named "foobar.txt" in a window whose title ends in "VIM3" you would type (the order of the arguments matters): mvim --servername VIM3 --remote-tab foobar.txt For more information, consult the client-server manual page. Scenario: You like to be able to select text by holding down shift and pressing the arrow keys and find the Vim way of selecting text strange. Solution: See macvim-shift-movement. Scenario: You do not want MacVim to set up any key mappings. Solution: See cmd-movement. Scenario: When you click the (green) full screen button you want the window to maximize instead of going full screen. You would also like it to maximize both horizontally and vertically. Solution: Hole down Option, and the full screen button will become the zoom button, which will by default only maximize vertically. To maximize in both directions, hold down Cmd and click the zoom button. If you prefer this to be the default action, then set the user default MMZoomBoth (see macvim-prefs). Scenario: Typing feels sluggish when the cursor is just before a right bracket (i.e. ')', '}', or ']'). Solution: Disable the "matchparen" plugin (see matchparen) by typing :NoMatchParen. If that helps, then you can permanently disable "matchparen" by adding the following line to your "~/.vimrc": let loaded_matchparen=1 Scenario: You want to use MacVim as an editor for some external application. Solution: If the external application lets you set a program to execute then something like "mvim -f" might be all you need (the "-f" switch ensures that the "mvim" script returns only after you close the editor window, otherwise "mvim" returns immediately). If the external program honors the EDITOR environment variable (e.g Git does this) then you may get away by adding the following line to your "~/.profile": export EDITOR='mvim -f' If you have not installed the "mvim" script in your path you can provide the path to the Vim binary instead. Thus, if "MacVim.app" resides in the Applications folder then you would use the following line: export EDITOR='/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim -g -f' Scenario: You have set MacVim to open from an external program and when you finish editing (by closing the MacVim window) you want the external program to regain focus. Solution: Use the VimLeave autocommand to hide MacVim when the window closes: au VimLeave * maca hide: Assuming your external program has a setting for which command to execute to bring up an editor, you would set that option to something like: mvim -f -c "au VimLeave * maca hide:" (See the above Scenario for an explanation of the "-f" switch.) Scenario: You have problems creating custom mappings involving the Cmd key. Solution: To bind to a key involving Cmd you use the "<D-..>" syntax. Many Cmd-key mappings are already used by the menus so if your mapping doesn't work then the solution is usually to first unmap the menu binding (see macvim-menus, in particular read the end of that section). Also see the section on macvim-shortcuts for some Cmd-key combinations which are not used by the menus but still need to be freed up before they can be used in custom bindings. Scenario: You can't find the information on MacVim you thought should be in this manual page. Solution: Post your question on the vim_mac mailing list or file an issue at https://github.com/macvim-dev/macvim/issues. vim:tw=78:sw=4:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:

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