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usr_toc.txt  	For Vim version 9.1.  Last change: 2024 Oct 07

		     VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar

			      Table Of Contents		user-manual usr


Getting Started 
usr_01.txt  About the manuals
usr_02.txt  The first steps in Vim
usr_03.txt  Moving around
usr_04.txt  Making small changes
usr_05.txt  Set your settings
usr_06.txt  Using syntax highlighting
usr_07.txt  Editing more than one file
usr_08.txt  Splitting windows
usr_09.txt  Using the GUI
usr_10.txt  Making big changes
usr_11.txt  Recovering from a crash
usr_12.txt  Clever tricks

Editing Effectively 
usr_20.txt  Typing command-line commands quickly
usr_21.txt  Go away and come back
usr_22.txt  Finding the file to edit
usr_23.txt  Editing other files
usr_24.txt  Inserting quickly
usr_25.txt  Editing formatted text
usr_26.txt  Repeating
usr_27.txt  Search commands and patterns
usr_28.txt  Folding
usr_29.txt  Moving through programs
usr_30.txt  Editing programs
usr_31.txt  Exploiting the GUI
usr_32.txt  The undo tree

Tuning Vim 
usr_40.txt  Make new commands
usr_41.txt  Write a Vim script
usr_42.txt  Add new menus
usr_43.txt  Using filetypes
usr_44.txt  Your own syntax highlighted
usr_45.txt  Select your language (locale)

Writing Vim script 
usr_50.txt  Advanced Vim script writing
usr_51.txt  Write plugins
usr_52.txt  Write larger plugins

Making Vim Run 
usr_90.txt  Installing Vim

Reference manual 
reference_toc     More detailed information for all commands

The user manual (an older version) is available as a single, ready to print
HTML and PDF file here:

Getting Started 

Read this from start to end to learn the essential commands.

usr_01.txt  About the manuals
		01.1  	Two manuals
		01.2  	Vim installed
		01.3  	Using the Vim tutor
		01.4  	Copyright

usr_02.txt  The first steps in Vim
		02.1  	Running Vim for the First Time
		02.2  	Inserting text
		02.3  	Moving around
		02.4  	Deleting characters
		02.5  	Undo and Redo
		02.6  	Other editing commands
		02.7  	Getting out
		02.8  	Finding help

usr_03.txt  Moving around
		03.1  	Word movement
		03.2  	Moving to the start or end of a line
		03.3  	Moving to a character
		03.4  	Matching a paren
		03.5  	Moving to a specific line
		03.6  	Telling where you are
		03.7  	Scrolling around
		03.8  	Simple searches
		03.9  	Simple search patterns
		03.10  	Using marks

usr_04.txt  Making small changes
		04.1  	Operators and motions
		04.2  	Changing text
		04.3  	Repeating a change
		04.4  	Visual mode
		04.5  	Moving text
		04.6  	Copying text
		04.7  	Using the clipboard
		04.8  	Text objects
		04.9  	Replace mode
		04.10  	Conclusion

usr_05.txt  Set your settings
		05.1  	The vimrc file
		05.2  	The example vimrc file explained
		05.3  	The defaults.vim file explained
		05.4  	Simple mappings
		05.5  	Adding a package
		05.6  	Adding a plugin
		05.7  	Adding a help file
		05.8  	The option window
		05.9  	Often used options

usr_06.txt  Using syntax highlighting
		06.1  	Switching it on
		06.2  	No or wrong colors?
		06.3  	Different colors
		06.4  	With colors or without colors
		06.5  	Printing with colors
		06.6  	Further reading

usr_07.txt  Editing more than one file
		07.1  	Edit another file
		07.2  	A list of files
		07.3  	Jumping from file to file
		07.4  	Backup files
		07.5  	Copy text between files
		07.6  	Viewing a file
		07.7  	Changing the file name

usr_08.txt  Splitting windows
		08.1  	Split a window
		08.2  	Split a window on another file
		08.3  	Window size
		08.4  	Vertical splits
		08.5  	Moving windows
		08.6  	Commands for all windows
		08.7  	Viewing differences with vimdiff
		08.8  	Various

usr_09.txt  Using the GUI
		09.1  	Parts of the GUI
		09.2  	Using the mouse
		09.3  	The clipboard
		09.4  	Select mode

usr_10.txt  Making big changes
		10.1  	Record and playback commands
		10.2  	Substitution
		10.3  	Command ranges
		10.4  	The global command
		10.5  	Visual block mode
		10.6  	Reading and writing part of a file
		10.7  	Formatting text
		10.8  	Changing case
		10.9  	Using an external program

usr_11.txt  Recovering from a crash
		11.1  	Basic recovery
		11.2  	Where is the swap file?
		11.3  	Crashed or not?
		11.4  	Further reading

usr_12.txt  Clever tricks
		12.1  	Replace a word
		12.2  	Change "Last, First" to "First Last"
		12.3  	Sort a list
		12.4  	Reverse line order
		12.5  	Count words
		12.6  	Find a man page
		12.7  	Trim blanks
		12.8  	Find where a word is used

Editing Effectively 

Subjects that can be read independently.

usr_20.txt  Typing command-line commands quickly
		20.1  	Command line editing
		20.2  	Command line abbreviations
		20.3  	Command line completion
		20.4  	Command line history
		20.5  	Command line window

usr_21.txt  Go away and come back
		21.1  	Suspend and resume
		21.2  	Executing shell commands
		21.3  	Remembering information; viminfo
		21.4  	Sessions
		21.6  	Modelines

usr_22.txt  Finding the file to edit
		22.1  	The file explorer
		22.2  	The current directory
		22.3  	Finding a file
		22.4  	The buffer list

usr_23.txt  Editing other files
		23.1  	DOS, Mac and Unix files
		23.2  	Files on the internet
		23.3  	Encryption
		23.4  	Binary files
		23.5  	Compressed files

usr_24.txt  Inserting quickly
		24.1  	Making corrections
		24.2  	Showing matches
		24.3  	Completion
		24.4  	Repeating an insert
		24.5  	Copying from another line
		24.6  	Inserting a register
		24.7  	Abbreviations
		24.8  	Entering special characters
		24.9  	Digraphs
		24.10  	Normal mode commands

usr_25.txt  Editing formatted text
		25.1  	Breaking lines
		25.2  	Aligning text
		25.3  	Indents and tabs
		25.4  	Dealing with long lines
		25.5  	Editing tables

usr_26.txt  Repeating
		26.1  	Repeating with Visual mode
		26.2  	Add and subtract
		26.3  	Making a change in many files
		26.4  	Using Vim from a shell script

usr_27.txt  Search commands and patterns
		27.1  	Ignoring case
		27.2  	Wrapping around the file end
		27.3  	Offsets
		27.4  	Matching multiple times
		27.5  	Alternatives
		27.6  	Character ranges
		27.7  	Character classes
		27.8  	Matching a line break
		27.9  	Examples

usr_28.txt  Folding
		28.1  	What is folding?
		28.2  	Manual folding
		28.3  	Working with folds
		28.4  	Saving and restoring folds
		28.5  	Folding by indent
		28.6  	Folding with markers
		28.7  	Folding by syntax
		28.8  	Folding by expression
		28.9  	Folding unchanged lines
		28.10  	Which fold method to use?

usr_29.txt  Moving through programs
		29.1  	Using tags
		29.2  	The preview window
		29.3  	Moving through a program
		29.4  	Finding global identifiers
		29.5  	Finding local identifiers

usr_30.txt  Editing programs
		30.1  	Compiling
		30.2  	Indenting C files
		30.3  	Automatic indenting
		30.4  	Other indenting
		30.5  	Tabs and spaces
		30.6  	Formatting comments

usr_31.txt  Exploiting the GUI
		31.1  	The file browser
		31.2  	Confirmation
		31.3  	Menu shortcuts
		31.4  	Vim window position and size
		31.5  	Various

usr_32.txt  The undo tree
		32.1  	Undo up to a file write
		32.2  	Numbering changes
		32.3  	Jumping around the tree
		32.4  	Time travelling

Tuning Vim 

Make Vim work as you like it.

usr_40.txt  Make new commands
		40.1  	Key mapping
		40.2  	Defining command-line commands
		40.3  	Autocommands

usr_41.txt  Write a Vim script
		41.1  	Introduction
		41.2  	Variables
		41.3  	Expressions
		41.4  	Conditionals
		41.5  	Executing an expression
		41.6  	Using functions
		41.7  	Defining a function
		41.8  	Lists and Dictionaries
		41.9  	White space
		41.10  	Line continuation
		41.12  	Fileformat

usr_42.txt  Add new menus
		42.1  	Introduction
		42.2  	Menu commands
		42.3  	Various
		42.4  	Toolbar and popup menus

usr_43.txt  Using filetypes
		43.1  	Plugins for a filetype
		43.2  	Adding a filetype

usr_44.txt  Your own syntax highlighted
		44.1  	Basic syntax commands
		44.2  	Keywords
		44.3  	Matches
		44.4  	Regions
		44.5  	Nested items
		44.6  	Following groups
		44.7  	Other arguments
		44.8  	Clusters
		44.9  	Including another syntax file
		44.10  	Synchronizing
		44.11  	Installing a syntax file
		44.12  	Portable syntax file layout

usr_45.txt  Select your language (locale)
		45.1  	Language for Messages
		45.2  	Language for Menus
		45.3  	Using another encoding
		45.4  	Editing files with a different encoding
		45.5  	Entering language text

Writing Vim script 

usr_50.txt  Advanced Vim script writing
		50.1  	Exceptions
		50.2  	Function with variable number of arguments
		50.3  	Restoring the view

usr_51.txt  Write plugins
		51.1  	Writing a generic plugin
		51.2  	Writing a filetype plugin
		51.3  	Writing a compiler plugin
		51.4  	Distributing Vim scripts

usr_52.txt  Write larger plugins
		52.1  	Export and import
		52.2  	Autoloading
		52.3  	Autoloading without import/export
		52.4  	Other mechanisms to use
		52.5  	Using a Vim9 script from legacy script
		52.6  	Vim9 examples: comment and highlight-yank plugin

Making Vim Run 

Before you can use Vim.

usr_90.txt  Installing Vim
		90.1  	Unix
		90.2  	MS-Windows
		90.3  	Upgrading
		90.4  	Common installation issues
		90.5  	Uninstalling Vim


Copyright: see manual-copyright  vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:

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